Tuesday, February 26, 2013


What is bravery?
Is it being able to defend yourself or others?
Is it really something so noble?
When the reality hits and you realize, you can never be loved. When the truth is you'll always be alone. Face it, love is dead and it will never return.
Is it the right thing to do?
Listen to your friends, they want nothing nothing more than hurt you.
But what of you can't pick up the knife?
Is bravery turning away from the voices and living on?
Or is it finding a way out of that hole?
The glittering gun?
The swinging rope?
The rushing train?
The bravest ones are those who find a way out, even if they're scared.

The Crushed

So you think you know me?
Seen my darkness?
Think I am strong?
You don't know shit.

I'm not who I appear,
You can't see beyond the mask.
The monster I hide within,
So others don't deal with it.

Why be afraid of the dark,
when the light shows the evil.
The veil is thick,
To block the past.

I'm not strong at all,
After all I still breathe.
I can't accept what's happened,
So yet I cling to my past.

My world's in ruin,
And so is the heart.
Can it all be fixed?
Surely not by me.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Sometimes we don't realize who really cares until something happens and we need them most. I grew up in a village of feline anthros, everyone supported each other. We needed to, every family had their tasks, the Leon's were hunters, the Riverian's were fishers, the Bobtail's were gatherers. Then the was my family the Cheeta's we did what we could, but I just couldn't find anything I was good at. The Tigerian's are rather new to the village but they're our guardians from outsiders.

Rae was their son my age, and we were good friends, but he surprised me that day, that horrid day. It was like any other day, but then the intruders showed up. Everyone panicked and I'm not sure everyone made it out okay but I was terrified. I had ran to the forest and hid, it was the scariest thing I had faced; one of the intruders had chased me, they had called each other humans.

He had me cornered against one of the oldest trees, he wasn't open to negotiating. He was ready to kill me, he leaped, but never made it near me. I opened my eyes to see Rae crushing his throat. I collapsed, but Rae had thrown the human and caught me. "Don't worry, I won't ever let them harm you..." He held me close to him, feeling my trembling, " I will always protect you, I am your protector..."
inspired by: photo by~Blackpassion777 on furaffinity.net

Here we go...

This is the start of a new blog, this one covering shorter works, from poetry to short stories and everything in between...